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12.02.2025 | Blog
Cabinet Office Minister and local MP visit Thrive.NEL
03.02.2025 | Blog
BOP’s UK Delivery Partner Excellence Awards 2025
13.12.2024 | Press
Groundbreaking outcomes-based initiative improves education in Sierra Leone, highlighting wider potential
13.12.2024 | Publication
‘Shifting Gears’: A new report from BOP & GSG Impact
05.11.2024 | Press
Stronger Families keeps children out of care for the equivalent of 1,000 years
11.09.2024 | Blog
How to reduce reoffending: community-delivered, strength-based support
19.07.2024 | Blog
Breaking the cycle: the outcomes model of public service? (Nesta)
10.07.2024 | Press
GMBOP recognised for ‘innovative and impactful contribution’ to preventing homelessness
29.05.2024 | Publication
‘Liberated Public Services’: BOP expertise informs galvanising Demos Taskforce paper
21.05.2024 | Blog
How to fund prevention and help save the NHS (New Statesman)
02.02.2024 | Blog
A new solution to the UK’s skills challenge (New Statesman)
24.01.2024 | Press
‘LiftEd’ programme launches to improve learning outcomes for 4m children in India
30.11.2023 | Publication
‘Next Frontiers’: BOP’s technical Input Paper informs the Impact Taskforce’s flagship 2023 report
21.11.2023 | Press
BOP looks to grow Outcomes movement with new Policy & Engagement Director
16.11.2023 | Blog
‘A better way forward’: Harnessing the power of community to transform public services (New Local)
21.09.2023 | Press
Ground-breaking Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Impact Bond launches in Kenya
31.08.2023 | Press
Türkiye partners with BOP to launch first ever outcomes partnership
20.07.2023 | Press
BOP launches first-of-its-kind initiative to support achievement of SDGs
10.01.2023 | Case Study
In practice: Helping people experiencing long-term homelessness across Greater Manchester
17.09.2022 | Case Study
In practice: Community health and diabetes prevention in North-East Lincolnshire and Devon
10.08.2022 | Case Study
In practice: Employment, education and training support for young people across England
07.07.2022 | Case Study
In practice: Support for informal carers in Norfolk and for vulnerable women across England
03.05.2022 | Case Study
In practice: Housing and employment in Northamptonshire and West Yorkshire