Single Homelessness Prevention Service (SHPS)
SHPS London & Norfolk provide accommodation and support to prevent or relieve homelessness for single people in London, and for families and single people in Norfolk.
London; Norfolk
Aug 2019; Apr 2021
Homelessness Prevention
Collaborators & funding partners
Brent Borough Council
Enfield Council
Hackney Borough Council
Waltham Borough Council
Ealing Borough Council
Norfolk County Council
Life Chances Fund
Delivery Partners
Single Homeless Project (SHP)
The Benjamin Foundation
Great Yarmouth Borough Council
Collaborators & funding partners
Brent Borough Council
Enfield Council
Hackney Borough Council
Waltham Borough Council
Ealing Borough Council
Norfolk County Council
Life Chances Fund
Delivery Partners
Single Homeless Project (SHP)
The Benjamin Foundation
Great Yarmouth Borough Council
Nationally, there is a challenge of finding decent and affordable accommodation for individuals at risk of homelessness. This can only be addressed by working collaboratively with the private rented sector to secure decent homes.
SHPS services prevent or relieve homelessness for single people (London) and for families and single people (Norfolk).
SHPS supports people to sustain an existing tenancy – by negotiating with landlords/ family members, or providing coaching to empower people to do so – and where needed help them to find and secure new accommodation, typically in the private rented sector. SHPS services also seek to prevent the mental trauma associated with homelessness and prevent the escalation of the homelessness journey to crisis point.
In London, SHPS spans five boroughs, providing direct support to referrals via dedicated case workers. Individuals receive advice around benefits, discretionary housing payments, basic legal issues, tenancy agreements and more specialist support. The service delivered by case workers is tailored to each person they meet; SHPS doesn’t create processes or boxes that people have to “fit into”; instead it encourages case workers to be creative and solutions-focussed, adopting a strengths-based approach.
In Norfolk, SHPS spans six districts. Its dedicated case workers also provide direct support to participants, offering advice across a number of areas including benefits, discretionary housing payments, basic legal issues, tenancy agreements and more specialist support. Case workers support and empower people to sustain their accommodation over subsequent months, helping to create long term independence to stop the revolving door of homelessness.
Delivery innovations
An outcomes partnership has enabled a much more collaborative, flexible approach to problem-solving. This has facilitated a number of significant delivery innovations, including:
- SHPS introduced senior “floating” case worker roles. Driven by performance & retention data, client complexities and dynamic referral numbers, this change has enabled greater access to more experience, more flexibility when there is a spike in referrals, greater consistency, and another layer of support for the team.
- SHPS London created a new role to work collaboratively with local authority partner teams to triage referrals – speeding up the process and enabling earlier interventions.
- Due to increased local demand, SHPS Norfolk added extra capacity to its team in Great Yarmouth, ensuring it could respond effectively.
- Improved reporting has helped to pinpoint successes and challenges in case work, and enable tailored case worker training and appropriate support for each case worker.
- SPHS London moved from a support model to an “Empowerment” model, coaching individuals and providing them with knowledge so that they feel empowered to find a suitable home.
- Based on data insights, SHPS Norfolk introduced a “complex needs” service to cater to the high number of referrals with multiple or complex needs. Having divided its service and collaborated with a specialist local delivery partner, SHPS Norfolk offers two comprehensive services with appropriate support levels and approaches.
To date, SHPS London & Norfolk have provided over 13,000 people with support to prevent or relieve homelessness and create long term independence.
Starts to the programme
Prevented or relieved homelessness
Sustained appropriate accommodation for 8 months
Outcomes achieved