Norfolk Carers Partnership
Supporting unpaid carers to improve their well-being and sustain their caring role.
Jun 2020
Health, Wellbeing & Independence
Collaborators & funding partners
NHS Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB)
Norfolk County Council
Life Chances Fund
Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
Delivery Partners
Carers Matter Norfolk
Voluntary Norfolk
Caring Together
Collaborators & funding partners
NHS Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB)
Norfolk County Council
Life Chances Fund
Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
Delivery Partners
Carers Matter Norfolk
Voluntary Norfolk
Caring Together
Norfolk Carers Partnership (NCP) supports adult unpaid carers in Norfolk, who take care of another adult.
There are almost 100,000 carers in Norfolk; often relatives who find it difficult to think of themselves as carers, and who look for support only when they reach a crisis.
NCP exists to support individuals who fit under this umbrella of adult unpaid carers, who take care of another adult. Its programme provides various modes of support to help them continue to support their dependent while looking after their own well-being. Support includes a dedicated advice line, which offers signposting, guidance, and the statutory carer assessment. If necessary, carers can also access one-to-one support with a dedicated practitioner, Carer Breaks, advocacy and training.
Delivery innovations
An outcomes partnership has enabled a much more collaborative, flexible approach to problem-solving. This has facilitated a number of significant delivery innovations, including:
- Based on carer feedback, NCP created an online self-assessment tool for carers to fill in to reduce the number of lengthy, repetitive conversations needed for them to receive the right support.
- NCP brought in Citizens Advice Support and an in-house counselling service to enable practitioners to refer directly and avoid lengthy waiting lists for carers.
- NCP has built-in mechanisms which enable it to place the voice of carers at the front and centre of delivery and everything that it does.
NCP’s programme is the first ever outcomes-based approach that focuses on unpaid carers; it is providing an exemplar model of support for this group.
Starts to the programme
High risk carers reporting improved wellbeing by second assessment
High risk carers sustained caring role for six months
Outcomes achieved