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03.05.2022 | Case Study
In practice: Housing and employment in Northamptonshire and West Yorkshire
21.11.2021 | Case Study
In practice: Asset-based community health in Newcastle and Northamptonshire
13.11.2021 | Case Study
In practice: New approaches to tackle homelessness across England
10.09.2021 | Case Study
In practice: New approaches to evaluation for dynamically managed delivery in Manchester
10.07.2021 | Case Study
In practice: Family support in London and the East of England
26.02.2021 | Case Study
In practice: New approaches to procurement and contract management in the U.S
15.02.2021 | Blog
How an asset-based approach can change lives (New Local)
03.12.2020 | Case Study
In practice: School-based support in West London
17.11.2020 | Case Study
In practice: New approaches to fostering and adoption in Birmingham and across England